... that's a sentence I hear all the time at Snazzy Seconds. As we get older, we start thinking about downsizing our large house, and maybe focus on travelling more, or moving to a smaller, more manageable condo. We collect things that we inherited from parents, picked up in our travels, received as gifts, or found over the last 30+ years. Many people don't know what do with the things they have enjoyed and loved for so long. When we try to give them to our adult children, they say they don't want it! The 'kids' say they have enough stuff, or don't like the style, or don't appreciate the love we had for that particular piece. One thing I know for sure is that every customer who comes in and purchases something from our store is taking it home to love and appreciate! People who buy from Snazzy are often thrilled with their purchase, and show it off with pride. So, maybe your kids don't want your treasures, but someone else's kids will!