Let's face it, most of us 'groan' when we hear the words 'Valentines Day'. It's become an industry, and the true meaning (if there ever was one) has been lost. Cards for lovers, expensive chocolate, line ups and reservations for dinner, rose petals and red hearts... ya, I can see why that might be tacky! I'm a big mushy girl, though, if the truth be told, and who doesn't like a little attention? Make something for special people in your life. Or buy them a little unique gift that they wouldn't buy for themselves. It doesn't have to be in the form on overpriced flowers or a card pouring your love for them. This February 14th, I'm going to give my family a big hug and kiss, wear red, and bake a heart shaped cake for dessert. A little extra attention never hurt anyone! I would rather receive flowers any other day of the year when they on sale for $9.99.